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Perfect Snow Song

by Lisa Forrest (with help from Doug Lambert and Dee Adams)

Perfect Snow Song is based on a poem that I wrote for my father called ‘Wintering.’  The poem– constructed around a childhood memory of being pulled in a sled– has a repetition a bit like listening to boots in the snow.

When I wrote Perfect Snow Song, I had been in a phase of listening to folk spirituals (think Allen Lomax)– which really inspired me to create a call and response song.  I was driving in the car when the melody came to me…and started singing this call (“lend me your compass”) and response  (“I’ll lend you my compass”) in two different voices.  When I got home that evening,  I ran the idea by my music partner, Douglas Lambert. He was totally game to try it out — but we realized we needed a third voice.  But not just ANY third voice — we needed Dee Adams.  Despite having a little cold, Dee graciously agreed to join us. This song would not have been possible without Dee and Doug’s amazing harmonies, combined musical knowledge, and expert hand clapping abilities.  To top it all off,  Jonathan Hughes ended our hymn with the distinct sound of boots walking through the snow.  What more could a songwriter want?

Dee Adams: Vocals
Lisa Forrest: Vocals
Doug Lambert: Vocals




Lend me your compass
find the tree naked limbs
where black birds dance,

Where black birds dance wings wide
February light
frozen and silent,

Frozen and silent firmament
arrow spins, wings arched dive
can’t stop

Can’t stop shivering
return to you a comet
compass in hand

Compass in hand touch mimics pulse
round world new world
center shifts

Center shifts as you
fade from view
a place

A place and all this
burst wintered stars
a broad field

A broad field of perfect snow
watch your footprints
footprints rhythmically appear.



All songs ©2013